This book is an attempt at a spatial reading of Virginia Woolf's novel To the Lighthouse'. The spatial structure of the novel will be revealed through the concepts of narratology and intertextuality. The narratological approach borrows terms from Gérard Genette, Shlomith Rimmon- Kenan, Jakob Lothe and Morten Nøjgaard. Key concepts are mood, voice, focalization, internal and external space, structural key elements and the notion of an imaginary world. The intertextual approach uses concepts from Julia Kristeva and M. M. Bakhtin, mainly focusing on structural intersections between texts and the idea of the ambivalent word. The textual interlacing between To the Lighthouse' and several other texts will be explored: Woolf s other novels Mrs Dalloway' and The Waves', in addition to poems by John Keats and Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The reading covers the overall spatial structure of the novel; the nature of narrative space; how characterization becomes a spatial matter; the position of the narrator; placement of objects, their importance as structural elements and how they become art objects; and last, the significance of Romantic structure in To the Lighthouse'.