Dr. Chuks born and bred in the strict moral codes of a successful second generation Igbo family, finds himself trying to save everyone from his siblings to his colleagues, superiors and subordinates. He is determined to force the professional clean up of the state Agricultural department he heads, thankfully, with the support of a visionary governor in place at the time. However a new group of men has formed a loose union with the intention to control both the private sector and the public service and enrich themselves at the expense of good governance and public good. Dr. Chuks becomes torn between the new world opening up to Africans who have lived and studied abroad in USA and Europe, his family or his ideals. Political power play has never been fair, but the total loss of shame and all it takes to win started small. Meanwhile Dove, Dr. Chuks' nephew, is beginning a new life as his uncle's return to see the difficulties of Nigeria after an easy life abroad, Dove decides to look for a new homeland in the diaspora. There is love and honesty and truth and a strong principle in everyone's life, the question is what will uphold or break our resolve to be ourselves? Our wants?