Allister Afal is a young seventeen-year-old teenager with high amounts of anxiety comprised within him. Surprisingly, he chooses to work alongside his co-workers on mystery cases. These four co-workers (Digi, Rick, Cameron, and Melody), along with Allister make up a motley crew better known as The Silverwood Detectives. This is their third mystery case, and Digi (their leader) recently hired Rick, the jokester. He lends much to the crew and most love his sense of humor, but it is grating on Allister's last nerve. Since they have little to no experience, they tend to lean heavily on the intelligent Digi, who also happens to be deaf. But they will need all their wits, skills, emotional range, and banter to catch this next killer. Just when their shifts in their small office were ending, the phone rings, and their next case is on... (The Silverwood Detectives: The Brandy Mansion is Book One in the murder mystery series, even though we begin the series with them on their third case.)
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