Tathagatan RavindranThe Social Life of Indianism
Politics and Indigeneity in Twenty-First-Century Bolivia
* List of Abbreviations
* Introduction
* Chapter 1. Calling for Indian Revolution: The Birth and Maturation of
Indianist Ideology
* Chapter 2. Toward a New Common Sense: Indigenous Counterpublics and
the Diffusion of Indianism
* Interlude 1. ¡Evo presidente!
* Chapter 3. A Journey without Guarantees: Ideological Refractions and
the Emergence of Folk Indianism
* Chapter 4. “We Cannot Forget Our Roots!”: Ethnoracial Identities in
Indianist Bolivia
* Chapter 5. When Folk Ideology Feeds Back into the Canon: Indianist
Praxis between Revival and Refusal
* Chapter 6. Across the Wide Spectrum: Indianist Logics in State and
Social Movement Discourses
* Interlude 2. The 2019 Coup and Its Aftermath
* Chapter 7. The Rebellion of the Wiphalas: Racist Backlash and the
Radicalization of Folk Indianism
* Conclusion
* Acknowledgments
* Notes
* References
* Index