The central issue of this research is the progress, stagnation and setbacks of the Brazilian Social Assistance Policy. This policy has its own historical milestone of social movement and revolution, in which the users of its social assistance services, as well as the Social Work professionals and the entire multidisciplinary team that works in this area - are constantly fighting for changes to take place, and also aiming to defend social rights so that we can have a Brazil for All, based on social justice and equity. The researcher's interest in the topic in question arose from her experience and reflection in the daily life of a Social Worker working in Public Management, having been in the position of Coordinator and technician of a CRAS for a few months now. We can see the challenges and achievements faced in the implementation and implantation of a Social Assistance Policy that brings us efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness in a social evaluation - the aim of which is to train users to develop their protagonism.