Set against the aftermath of the tragedy of the Somme Offensive in Picardy, in the Autumn of 1916, an isolated and wounded young Welsh soldier has a chance encounter with a mortally stricken German enemy, in a shell hole in no-man's land. One man survives, to be carried away amid the carnage and wreckage of battle lying all around. Thus begins a personal journey for Nathan Hughes, to make sense of madness of war, but this survivor carries with him a letter, which unbeknown to him, contains the seeds of potential destruction for one of Europe's most powerful industrial conglomerates. First he must make his peace with himself, to return home intact, with some degree of sanity left in a world gone completely mad... In the modern day, Erich Barton once again finds himself caught up in the vast machinery of industrialised subterfuge and political intrigue wielded by the mighty BFK. This time the stakes are far higher reaching than the limits of the nightmares of his wildest imaginings. A personal vendetta reckoning has been orchestrated, which if successfully carries out will leave him in the most agonised state of despair, or he could face being effectively eliminated by the sadistic perpetrators as just another victim. That is, unless Barton, with his associates, can find the solutions to a puzzle written by a complete stranger, on a postcard from Germany... The race is on with the clocking ticking towards the final encounter.
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