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One hundred years ago Roald Amundsen and four fellow Norwegian explorers captured the geographical South Pole. The existence of the pole had been known before, but Amundsen and his combatants were the first humans who had the courage to undertake the dangerous voyage through ice and snow. They reached the pole a one month before Amundsen s great rival Robert Falcon Scott. The eventful and fascinating journey is described by Amundsen himself in his account "The South Pole", published shortly after his return.

One hundred years ago Roald Amundsen and four fellow Norwegian explorers captured the geographical South Pole. The existence of the pole had been known before, but Amundsen and his combatants were the first humans who had the courage to undertake the dangerous voyage through ice and snow. They reached the pole a one month before Amundsen s great rival Robert Falcon Scott.
The eventful and fascinating journey is described by Amundsen himself in his account "The South Pole", published shortly after his return.
Roald Amundsen (1872-1928) sollte eigentlich Mediziner werden, gab diesen Plan aber schnell zugunsten seiner großen Leidenschaft, der Polarforschung, auf. Bald sammelte er Erfahrungen als Seefahrer, nahm an der ersten Überwinterung in der Antarktis teil und erwarb das Kapitänspatent. Was folgte, waren ruhmreiche Expeditionen, abenteuerliche Forschungsreisen und weltberühmte Erfolge: die Bezwingung der Nordwestpassage, der Wettlauf mit Scott zum Südpol, ein riskanter Flug per Luftschiff über den Nordpol und schließlich das tragische Ende, als Amundsen einen Konkurrenten aus Seenot retten wollte und auf Nimmerwiedersehen in Nacht und Eis entschwand.