The Space Between the Mirror is a gripping supernatural horror novel that delves deep into psychological terror and the fragile boundaries of reality. When a mysterious mirror enters the protagonist's life, it becomes a portal to a terrifying world of distorted reflections, eerie doppelgängers, and malevolent entities. As the protagonist's reality begins to warp, they must confront their darkest fears-and an alternate self bent on taking control. In this haunting tale of psychological horror and supernatural thriller, the lines between real and imagined blur as the protagonist faces paranoia, isolation, and the fear of losing their very identity. With time and reality unraveling, they are trapped in a nightmare where each step brings them closer to the mirror's terrifying truth. Will they escape the doppelgänger's grasp, or will the mirror claim another soul? Perfect for fans of eerie haunted objects, identity crises, and mind-bending horror, The Space Between the Mirror combines the slow-burn suspense of gothic horror with the unsettling mystery of supernatural forces. Get ready to explore the terrifying unknown and question the boundaries between self and shadow in this chilling, atmospheric novel.