The thrilling sequel to The Spirit Hollows follows Zora and Quinn on a perilous new adventure. On their voyage beyond the Hollows, will the spirit-hunting siblings find lost survivors--or a trap? Last summer, Zora fought a sinister cult and an unearthly adversary. This winter, she's stuck in her lab with a herd of goats. Her half-brother Quinn is off chasing spirits without her. That is, until there's a call for help from the heart of the Wastes. When Zora and Quinn reunite with their friends for a rescue expedition, they'll need her inventions and his sharpshooting to reach their destination. A hidden foe is tracking them, and countless spirits wait in their path. Worse still, an ancient evil has found a way back to their world. Now that Zora and Quinn are leaving the Hollows, they may never see home again. A Young Adult paranormal fantasy novel for fans of Stranger Things, Ghostbusters, and Lockwood & Co.
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