Xueguang Zhou is Professor of Sociology at Duke University. He co-authored The Dynamics of Rules (with James G. March and Martin Schultz, 2000) and edited State and Society in Contemporary China (in Chinese, 1992). His work has appeared in American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Administrative Science Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Social Search Research, among other journals.
List of figures
List of tables
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1. Redistribution and stratification dynamics under State Socialism
2. Overview: historical context and research design
Part I. Redistribution and Stratification Dynamics: Empirical Evidence: 3. Education stratification
4. Entry into the labor force: patterns of first-job attainment
5. Children of the Cultural Revolution: the send-down episode
6. Climbing the political ladder: bureaucratic career patterns
Part II. Assessing Institutional Changes in the Post-Mao Era: 7. Economic transformation and changes in income inequality
8. Redistribution and latent economic benefits
9. Institutional changes and patterns of job shifts
10. Economic transformation and life chances: a life-course perspective
Part III. Summary and Conclusion: 11. Social stratification under State Socialism: summary and assessment
12. Stratification dynamics and institutional transformation