"Anomie (from the Greek an-: absence of, and nomos: name, law, order, structure) is the state of a society characterized by a disintegration of the norms that regulate human conduct and ensure social order. Anomie is perhaps best understood between autonomy and heteronomy" source wikipedia. Le petit Robert completes: anomie: n.f. 1885, gr. anomia. Absence of organization or law, disappearance of the values common to a group. The city is no more. Following the onslaught of functionalism and the explosion of automatism, many exchange values have disappeared from our cities. A reconditioning revealing potential: there remain in our suburbs the traces of a close past, the built elements of an urbanity preserved in its form. Allied to values of "citizenship" and sustainability, could we not reactivate them. This in order to give back a certain taste to the city by avoiding a patrimonialization of the old facing a sprawl of the territory. To remake the city on the city, it passes by the work of the street. Forgotten, this major tool will regain its superb quality in the "third city".