Cinema in French-speaking Africa in general and in Cameroon in particular is sick of its screenwriting. Between the amateurism of those who take part in it and the speed of their work, the stories proposed are only written texts which lack soul and cannot hold their place as masters at all stages of production. The facilities offered by digital technology from the dawn of the third millennium have created greater neglect of the scenario object. As a result, production operations go in all directions and their result, the film, creates little enthusiasm and has no impact. Which also removes cinema from its status as a major media and development tool.This work, entitled "The subtleties of screenwriting between text and drama", returns to the elements which form the range of this problem. Covering the notions of understanding the scenario, its conception, its development, its dramatization, its writing, it offers its readers the pole of the professionalization of this profession ofcinema, for the benefit of the film industry, moviegoers, and society.