In a quaint, snow-covered village, young Charlie and her beloved Nanny share a cherished Christmas tradition: knitting a special sweater each year to gift to someone in need. This heartwarming tale follows Charlie as she takes on the task of knitting the sweater herself when Nanny's hands aren't able to as easily as they once did. Through the process, Charlie learns about the true spirit of giving and the warmth that kindness can bring to others. The Sweater is a touching story that highlights the importance of gratitude, family traditions, and the joy of selfless giving. With enchanting illustrations and a timeless message, this book is perfect for children aged 5 to 8 and is sure to become a holiday favorite for families everywhere. Key Features: * Age Range: 5-8 years * Themes: Gratitude, family traditions, the joy of giving, intergenerational * Perfect for: Holiday reading, family story time, teaching the value of kindness * Part of: Breathe, Feel, Be: A Children's Series Join Charlie and Nanny in this delightful Christmas story that will warm your heart and inspire the spirit of giving in readers of all ages.
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