The volume goes a good way towards remedying the lack of available grammatical descriptions for Tai-Kadai. With consultations and input from a range of contributors, the book is a compact 40,000-word overview of Thai. The work includes relevant cross-referencing to sections of the volume treating other languages in the family, as well as sign-posting to sources in the bibliography.
Diller's two chapters, 'Introduction' (Ch. 1) and 'Resources for Thai Language Research' (Ch. 3), are a pleasure. The section on terminology in Ch 1. Is as good a presentation of this vexed topic as I have seen anywhere. Ch. 3 elegantly combines (i) guiding the reader through a hefty number of published works (there is a twenty-eight page list of references) on all aspects of Siamese linguistics with (ii) with setting forth a quite complete basic sketch of Siamese phonology, syntax, phonology, semantics, diachrony and more. - Reviewed in November 2010