"The Tears of a Great Man" is a moving story that begins with a school adventure between two young people, whose main mission was focused on their studies. But their story takes an unexpected turn when the young girl becomes pregnant. The young boy's parents, shocked and not believing that their son was capable of fertilizing an egg, reject the pregnant girl, considering her just an opportunist looking for shelter and a meal.Thus, the two young people separate and the unborn child is successively entrusted to different families, in the hope of ensuring adequate care. As an adult, the man prospers socially, but his biological mother interferes in his married life, imposing her will in the choice of his wife and dictating his behavior. These maternal interventions lead to catastrophic consequences in this man's life.The book explores the complex themes of love, family and life choices. The story highlights the profound consequences of parental neglect and rejection, and the lasting impact it can have on individuals' lives. It is a poignant tale that highlights the trials of a man who must confront the hurts of the past and find his own path to happiness and self-realization.