E. X. Ferrars, V. N. GribovThe Theory of Complex Angular Momenta
Gribov Lectures on Theoretical Physics
Herausgeber: Landshoff, Peter
Foreword Yuri Dokshitzer
Introduction Yuri Dokshitzer and Leonid Frankfurt
1. High energy hadron scattering
2. Physics of the t-channel and complex angular momenta
3. Singularities of partial waves and unitarity
4. Properties of Regge poles
5. Regge poles in high energy scattering
6. Scattering of particles with spin
7. Fermion Regge poles
8. Regge poles in perturbation theory
9. Reggeization of an electron
10. Vector field theory
11. Inconsistency of the Regge pole picture
12. Two-reggeon exchange and branch point singularities in the l plane
13. Properties of Mandelstam branch singularities
14. Reggeon diagrams
15. Interacting reggeons
16. Reggeon field theory
17. The structure of weak and strong coupling solutions
Appendix A: space-time description of the hadron interactions at high energies
Appendix B: character of inclusive spectra and fluctuations produced in inelastic processes by multi-pomeron exchange
Appendix C: theory of the heavy pomeron