Join three clever goats on an adventure in The Three Goats, where they scheme to outwit a grumpy old troll guarding a bridge that leads to a hill with lush green grass. Based on books created by Barbara Williams, an elementary school teacher who taught hundreds of children to read over 26 years, this book delights and aids in language learning. The Three Goats is gorgeously illustrated, capturing the whimsy and drama of this classic tale retold. Your child can immerse themselves in a beautifully depicted world while learning English and Mandarin Chinese (simplified) through engaging, simple narratives and repeated phrases. Here's what makes The Three Goats a fantastic addition to your child's bookshelf: - Bilingual Presentation: The story is told in both English and Simplified Chinese with Pinyin support, making it ideal for language learners. - Engaging Plot: Follow the goats as they tackle the challenge posed by the troll, blending humor and tension in a storyline that keeps readers hooked till the end. - Educational Value: Includes words and phrases commonly introduced in Chinese immersion programs and offers insights into problem-solving and perseverance. Ideal for young readers aged 3 to 8, especially those interested in fairy tales, folklore, and dual-language books, this title serves both educational and entertainment purposes. The robust curriculum ideas included make it an excellent tool for both home school and Chinese immersion programs. Benefits: - Encourages bilingual language development - Supports beginning readers with easy-to-read text and repetition - Enhances understanding of diverse cultures through folklore - Provides rich, professional-quality illustrations The Three Goats offers a visual and narrative journey that captures young imaginations and fosters a love for reading and languages. Native Chinese speakers have professionally translated this high-quality publication, ensuring no overpricing or poor editing-just pure educational fun! Make this classic part of your child's reading journey and watch them blossom into enthusiastic bilingual readers.
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