"The Uncertainties of Life" is written strictly as a work of fiction. An incident occurred, however, during World War II, where a German spy, and his inseparable briefcase, managed to board a train at Havre, Montana, which transported a number of loaded cattle cars, and rode the train with the ranchers accompanying them, as far as Fargo, North Dakota. While, in reality, there were no scenes of violence, there was a considerable exchange of verbiage, once the ranchers discovered the man was a spy. The author, in the fictional version of the story, has created an atmosphere more of action and suspense. The spy left the train as it slowed while entering the Fargo railroad yards. The ranchers aboard contacted the railroad crew, who in turn contacted authorities, and it was said that the spy was captured, no one knows what the man's fate might have been. The book version of what occurred before the man boarded the train and afterward, is strictly conjecture on the part of the author. The story covers ranching throughout a large part of the twentieth century, describing the problems brought on by wars, drought, and depression. It covers the era of depending upon mechanical power. History unfolds as the author includes incidents experienced by himself and others he has known. "The Uncertainties of Life" is not a story of fantasy or high adventure. It is a story of people and of the changing times. The story of a man who found himself in a situation that haunted him throughout the rest of his life. A situation in, which anyone could find themselves, and should cause the reader to pause and ask, "HOW WOULD I RESPOND TO SUCH AN EVENT?"
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