This book deals with unemployment and methods of combating it, a theme which is of great importance in any state. Unemployment is one of the greatest dangers that a state may face because not only does it negative affect the country's economy on a short term, moreover, it has more serious repercussions on the long term, influencing generations, reducing the productivity of the country and inhibit the development of society through the accumulation of debt for the payment of unemployment benefits, decreasing national demand and creating a vicious circle from which escaping can become more difficult as time passes. This book is divided into four chapters, the first two chapters presents the link between the state and public administration and the link between the administration and public policy. The third chapter deals with the application of a public policy and the actors involved in the process. It is also presented the public policy process. In the last chapter considering the problem of unemployment, a matter of public policy, this paper presents the method for combating it, meaning a proposal of public policy.