Rachel is a young woman that lives a solitary life in a remote cabin in the forest, seeking newfound peace following her mother's strange disappearance and her brother, Zachary's, imprisonment. Her extended family, father Danny (who engages in dalliance affairs with other women), her stepmother Camila (Danny's second wife), her sister Jill, and her friends, Carlos and Maya, visit her unexpectedly and convince her to return back to the city. Rachel remains defiant and refuses to live in a chaotic world. Tensions soon rise, and old wounds start to return to the surface, straining Rachel's relationship with her loved ones. That is, until a beautiful lynx statue arrives at her front door, which unsettles Rachel. Furthermore, Maya reveals she has been engaged to a rock star in London. What is supposed to be a nice, relaxing vacation quickly descends into darkness when Rachel becomes involved in a missing person case.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.