In all areas of human knowledge, the completion of a coursework causes a great deal of impact and despair among academic students, as there is a wealth of complex information to be found during its preparation. The student feels the weight and the responsibility of producing a scientific work of this size, with all the requirements for its preparation. Nowadays, the use of social networks has grown vigorously all over the world. While some use this virtual space to do business, others use it as a social, political, cultural and religious tool, etc. It is with immense satisfaction that in this book we will address, FOR THE FIRST TIME, in an unprecedented way, the use of technological tools as facilitators and their positive impact on the preparation of the CBT, in an easy, practical and functional way, with the aim of enhancing the theme of your work. This book is aimed at all students, teachers, researchers, educational institutions, at secondary, university, postgraduate, master's, doctorate, PHD level, who want to POTENTIALISE their CBT topic.