Prince Hal: What, old acquaintance, could not all this flesh Keep in a little life? Poor Jack, farewell! I could have better spar'd a better man: O, I should have a heavy miss of thee If I were much in love with vanity: Death hath not struck so fat a deer today, Though many dearer, in his bloody fray. (V. IV. 102-107) HenryIV Antony: I will o'ertake thee, Cleopatra, and Weep for my pardon. So it must be, for now All length is torture; since the torch is out, Lie down and stray no farther. Now all labour Mars what it does yea, very force entangles Itself with strength. Seal then, and all is done. Eros! I come, my queen. Eros! Stay for me. Where souls do couch on flowers we'll hand in hand And with our sprightly port make the ghosts gaze. (4. 14. 45-53) Antony and Cleopatra