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Table of contents:
PART 1. INTRODUCTIONS/PROVOCATIONS/CONVERSATIONS The Subject of Visual Culture Nicholas Mirzoeff, Studying Visual Culture Irit Rogoff, Narrativizing Visual Culture: Towards a Polycentric Aesthetics Ella Shohat and Robert Stam, Voices from the Web Various, Kino-I, Kino-World: Notes on the Cinematic Mode of Production Jonathan L. Beller, Conversations in Visual Culture W.J.T. Mitchell PART 2. PLUG IN THEORY Optics Ren Descartes, The Fetishism of the Commodity Karl Marx, Double-Consciousness W.E.B. Dubois, Woman in a Mirror Marshall McLuhan, The Fact of Blackness Frantz…mehr

Table of contents:
PART 1. INTRODUCTIONS/PROVOCATIONS/CONVERSATIONS The Subject of Visual Culture Nicholas Mirzoeff, Studying Visual Culture Irit Rogoff, Narrativizing Visual Culture: Towards a Polycentric Aesthetics Ella Shohat and Robert Stam, Voices from the Web Various, Kino-I, Kino-World: Notes on the Cinematic Mode of Production Jonathan L. Beller, Conversations in Visual Culture W.J.T. Mitchell PART 2. PLUG IN THEORY Optics Ren Descartes, The Fetishism of the Commodity Karl Marx, Double-Consciousness W.E.B. Dubois, Woman in a Mirror Marshall McLuhan, The Fact of Blackness Frantz Fanon, Rhetoric of the Image Roland Barthes, Four Fundamental Concepts of Pyschoanalysis Jacques Lacan, The Society of the Spectacle Guy Debord, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses Louis Althusser, Simulacra and Simulations Jean Baudrillard, Prohibition, Psychoanalysis and the Heterosexual Matrix Judith Butler Virtual Bodies and Flickering Signifiers N. Katherine Hayles PART 3. GLOBAL/DIGITAL (a.) Imagining Globalization Here and Now Arjun Appadurai, Remaking Passports: Visual Thought and the debate on multiculturalism Nestor Garcia Canclini, Ethnicity and Internationality: New British Art and Diaspora-Based Blackness Kobena Mercer, The Multiple Viewpoint: Diaspora and Visual Culture Nicholas Mirzoeff, Gender, Nationalism and Internationalism in Japanese contemporary art Lisa Bloom, (b.) The Space of the Digital of Other Spaces Michel Foucault, Spectres of Cyberspace Geoffrey Batchen, Othering Cyberspace Wendy Chun, Where Do You Want to Go Today? Cybernetic Tourism, the Internet and Transnationality Lisa Nakamura, Eden by Wire: Webcameras and the Telepresent Landscape Thomas Campanella, Satellite and Cyber Visualities: Analyzing the Digital Earth Lisa Parks PART 4. SPECTACLE AND DISPLAY Spectacle, Display, Surveillance: Historical Citizenship and the Fremantle Prison Follies Frederick Wiseman, Come to Western Australia Toby Miller, Visual Stories Anne Reynolds, The Great Un-American Numbers Game Andrew Ross, The Wall, the Screen and the Image: The Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Marita Sturken, The Prison House of Culture: Why African Art? Why the Guggenheim? Why Now? Michelle Wallace, Videotech John Fiske Cinema After Film, Television After the Networks, The Mobilized and Virtual Gaze in Modernity: Flaneur/Flaneuse Anne Friedberg, What is Digital Cinema? Lev Manovich, Film and the Digital in Visual Studies: Film Studies in the Era of Convergence, Lisa Cartwright, Kung-Fu Cinema and Frugality May Joseph, The Video Public Sphere David Joselit Tara McPherson PART 5. VISUAL COLONIALISM/VISUAL TRANSCULTURE Visual Colonialism, Visual Regimes of Colonisation: Aboriginal Seeing and European Vision in Australia Terry Smith, Orientalism and the Exhibitionary Order Timothy Mitchell, Soft-Soaping Empire: Commodity Racism and Imperial Advertising Anne McClintock, from The Colonial Harem Malek Alloula, Vodun Art, Social History and the Slave Trade Suzanne Preston Blier Identity and Transculture His Masters Obi: Machine Magic, Violence and Transculturation Jill Casid, Passing for White, Passing for Black Adrian Piper, The Other History of Intercultural Performance Coco Fusco, Photography and the Substance of the Image Olu Oguibe, Engendering New Worlds: Allegories of Rape and Reconciliation Orianna Baddeley PART 6. THE GAZE, THE BODY, AND SEXUALITY (a) The Gaze and Sexuality Ideal Masculinities: An Anatomy of Power Anthea Callen, The Forbidden Gaze: Women Artists and the Male Nude in Late Nineteenth-Century France Tamar Garb, Reduplicative Desires

This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of The Visual Culture Reader brings together key writings as well as specially commissioned articles covering a wealth of visual forms including photography, painting, sculpture, fashion, advertising, television, cinema and digital culture.
The Reader features an introductory section tracing the development of visual culture studies in response to globalization and digital culture, and articles grouped into thematic sections, each prefaced by an introduction by the editor and conclude with suggestions for further reading.

In response to rapid changes in the field of visual culture, this updated second edition brings together key writings on photography, painting, sculpture, fashion, advertising, television, cinema and digital culture.