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Jonas' fantastic journey leads him to the sunken city of Ankal Aasha where the mysterious master Janaka Jiiva introduces him to the ancient legends of the Wormworld. Jonas learns that he himself plays an important role in them and that the fate of the Wormworld lies in his hands. Together with Raya, Jonas sets out on an adventurous quest on the River of Life which leads our heroes straight towards the mystic Worm Mountain.

Jonas' fantastic journey leads him to the sunken city of Ankal Aasha where the mysterious master Janaka Jiiva introduces him to the ancient legends of the Wormworld. Jonas learns that he himself plays an important role in them and that the fate of the Wormworld lies in his hands. Together with Raya, Jonas sets out on an adventurous quest on the River of Life which leads our heroes straight towards the mystic Worm Mountain.
Nun erscheint die Wormworld Saga auch in einer englischen Ausgabe bei POPCOM. Wer die Reise von Jonas in die Wurmwelt mit all ihren bizarren Bewohnern in englischer Sprache genießen möchte, ist hier richtig.