Capers JonesThe Year 2000 Software Problem
Quantifying the Costs and Assessing the Consequences
Chapter 1: Introduction and executive overview.
Chapter 2: Origins of the year 2000 problem.
Chapter 3: Terms and concepts associated with the year 2000 problem.
Chapter 4: Function points versus lines of code metrics for the year 2000 problem.
Chapter 5: The size of the year 2000 problem for the United States.
Chapter 6: Testing, test case errors, and repairing Software regression test libraries.
Chapter 7: Repairung databases, repositories, and data warehouses.
Chapter 8: Letigation and liability potential for the year 2000 problem.
Chapter 9: Risk of business failure due to the year 2000 problem.
Chapter 10: The emergence of the year 2000 repair industry.
Chapter 11: The emergence of masking as a year 2000 repair alternative.
Chapter 12: International year 2000 repair effort for 30 countries.
Chapter 13: Why do year 2000 costs vary?
Chapter 14: Post-2000 problem and recovery prognosis.
Chapter 15: defense against unrepaired year 2000 problems.
Summary and conclusions.
Appendixes: Sources of information in this book. Additional sources of information regardimg the year 2000 software problem. Web sites containing year 2000 information. Language affected by the year 2000 problem. Annotated bibliography of year 2000 books.