Lindsey SchillerThe Year-Round Solar Greenhouse
How to Design and Build a Net-Zero Energy Greenhouse
Lindsey Schiller studied conventional greenhouse design and management at the University of Arizona's Controlled Environmental Agriculture Center before delving deeply into solar greenhouse design. With co-author Marc Plinke, she founded Ceres Greenhouse Solutions to research, design and build energy-efficient year-round greenhouses. Lindsey lives in Boulder, Colorado.
Section I: The Big Picture
1. What Is a Solar Greenhouse?
2. Growing Indoors: History and Future Trends
3. Planning for the Greenhouse
Section II: Designing and Building a Solar Greenhouse
4. Siting and Orientation
5. Controlling Light and Heat Gain: Glazing
6. Controlling Heat Loss: Insulation
7. Ventilation
8. Greenhouse Geometries
9. Greenhouse Construction Basics
10. Attached Greenhouses
11. Earth-sheltered Greenhouses
Section III: Heating and Cooling Methods
12. Passive Thermal Mass
13. Using the Earth for Heat Storage
14. Solar Hot Water
15. Rocket Mass Stoves and Compost Heaters
16. Powering the Greenhouse
Section IV: Growing in the Greenhouse
17. Creating the Greenhouse Environment
18. Aquaponics and Hydroponics
Appendix 1: Temperature Ranges of Common Greenhouse Crops
Appendix 2: Optimizing Glazing Angles
Appendix 3: Supplemental Lighting
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