Im Zentrum zwischen Aufklärung und Nationalsozialismus ist die spannungsreiche europäisch-jüdische Kulturgeschichte durch die Triebkräfte der Emanzipation in Akkulturation einerseits, des traditionellen Antijudaismus und des Rassen-Antisemitismus andererseits geprägt. Die Beiträge zu "Theatralia Judaica" gehen von der Grundfrage aus, unter welchen konkreten Umständen und mit welchen Folgen jeweils der Vollzug und das Problem dieser Gemeinschaft in der Geschichte des Theaterwesens und seiner Produktionen in Erscheinung getreten sind.
The many tensions operative in the chequered history of the European Jews between the Enlightenment and the advent of National Socialism result centrally from the conflict between the forces for emancipation in acculturation on the one hand and traditional anti-Jewish attitudes and racist anti-Semitism on the other. The motivation underlying the contributions to "Theatralia Judaica" is the inquiry into the concrete circumstances under which the ambitions and adversities of this community make themselves apparent in the history of the theatre and its productions and the consequences that the treatment given to them effects.
The many tensions operative in the chequered history of the European Jews between the Enlightenment and the advent of National Socialism result centrally from the conflict between the forces for emancipation in acculturation on the one hand and traditional anti-Jewish attitudes and racist anti-Semitism on the other. The motivation underlying the contributions to "Theatralia Judaica" is the inquiry into the concrete circumstances under which the ambitions and adversities of this community make themselves apparent in the history of the theatre and its productions and the consequences that the treatment given to them effects.