David Grumett is Research Fellow in Theology at the University of Exeter. He is author of Teilhard de Chardin: Theology, Humanity and Cosmos (2005) and De Lubac: A Guide for the Perplexed (2007) and of articles and book chapters on theology and food, modern French Catholic thought, science and religion, and biblical interpretation. Rachel Muers is Lecturer in Christian Studies at the University of Leeds. She is the author of Keeping God's Silence: Towards a theological ethics of communication (2004), Living for the Future: Theological ethics for future generations (2008), and of articles and book chapters on theological ethics and feminist theology. Rachel Muers and David Grumett are joint editors of Eating and Believing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vegetarianism and Theology (2008).
Acknowledgments Preface 1. Eating in the Wilderness 2. Food in the Ordered
City 3. Secularizing Diet 4. Fasting by Choice 5. Clean and Unclean Animals
6. Community, Heresy and Orthodoxy 7. Sacrifice and Slaughter 8. Christian
Food, Heavenly Food, Worldly Food 9. Concluding Reflections Select
Bibliography Index