Ausgehend von den Grundlagen der Elektrodynamik bietet dieses Buch eine kurze, aber umfassende Einführung die die moderne theoretische Optik bis hin zu Themen wie Quantenoptik, Wechselwirkungen zwischen Licht und Materie oder nichtlinearen Erscheinungen.
Der Autor geht dabei weit über das hinaus, was im normalen Studium vermittelt wird und führt den Leser mit didaktischem Geschick an die aktuellen Themen der FOrschung heran.
Starting from basic electrodynamics, this volume provides a solid, yet concise introduction to theoretical optics, containing topics such as nonlinear optics, light-matter interaction, and modern topics in quantum optics, including entanglement, cryptography, and quantum computation.
The author, with many years of experience in teaching and research, goes way beyond the scope of traditional lectures, enabling readers to keep up with the current state of knowledge. Both content and presentation make it essential reading for graduate and phD students as well as a valuable reference for researchers.
- A short survey of the history of optics
- Linear waves in homogeneous media
- Crystal optics
- Electro-, magneto- and elastooptical phenomena
- Foundations of nonlinear optics
- Short-wave asymptotics
- Geometrical optics
- Geometric theory of caustics
- Diffraction theory
- Holography
- Coherence theory
- Quantum States of the Electromagnetic Field
- Detection of Radiation Fields
- Interaction of Radiation and Matter
- Quantum Optics and Fundamental Quantum Theory
Der Autor geht dabei weit über das hinaus, was im normalen Studium vermittelt wird und führt den Leser mit didaktischem Geschick an die aktuellen Themen der FOrschung heran.
Starting from basic electrodynamics, this volume provides a solid, yet concise introduction to theoretical optics, containing topics such as nonlinear optics, light-matter interaction, and modern topics in quantum optics, including entanglement, cryptography, and quantum computation.
The author, with many years of experience in teaching and research, goes way beyond the scope of traditional lectures, enabling readers to keep up with the current state of knowledge. Both content and presentation make it essential reading for graduate and phD students as well as a valuable reference for researchers.
- A short survey of the history of optics
- Linear waves in homogeneous media
- Crystal optics
- Electro-, magneto- and elastooptical phenomena
- Foundations of nonlinear optics
- Short-wave asymptotics
- Geometrical optics
- Geometric theory of caustics
- Diffraction theory
- Holography
- Coherence theory
- Quantum States of the Electromagnetic Field
- Detection of Radiation Fields
- Interaction of Radiation and Matter
- Quantum Optics and Fundamental Quantum Theory