Moshe Barasch is Jack Cotton Professor of Architecture and Fine Arts at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and author of numerous books on art, including The Languageof Art: Studies in Interpretation (1997) and Icon: Studies in the History of an Idea (1995).
I. Antiquity
1. Introduction
2. The Philosophers
3. Teachings of the Workshops
4. The Problem of the Artist
5. Plotinus
II. The Middle Ages
1. Iconoclasm
2. The Early Middle Ages: The West
3. Workshop Literature
4. Aesthetic Values in the Late Middle Ages
5. Scholasticism
III. The Early Renaissance
1. The Imitation of Nature: A Concept Emerges
2. Alberti: The Birth of a New Theory of Art
3. Correct Imitation: Art and Science
4. Anatomy
5. Leonardo da Vinci
6. Durer
7. Formal Correctness: Perspective
IV. The Artist and the Medium: Some Facets of the High Renaissance
1. Paragone
2. Rise of the Creative Artist
3. Michelangelo
V. The Late Renaissance
1. New Authors and New Readers
2. Florence and Rome
3. Venice
4. Northern Italy
5. Rebelling Against the Rules: The Last Phase of Renaissance ARt Theory
VI. Classicism and the Academy
1. Foundations
2. The Academy in Paris: Rule of Rules
3. The Crisis of the Academy
Bibliographical Essay