Take a seat in the boardroom. What will you decide? Corporations make difficult decisions about the right thing to do every day, but as an organization made up of people with different perspectives and values, how can a business behave ethically? This is Business Ethics offers a dynamic and engaging introduction to the study of corporate morality. _ Offers real-world practical advice for navigating ethical dilemmas in business, developed and explained through illustrative high-profile case studies like the Ford Pinto case, Enron, Walmart and British Petroleum. _ Explores how ethical…mehr
Take a seat in the boardroom. What will you decide?
Corporations make difficult decisions about the right thing to do every day, but as an organization made up of people with different perspectives and values, how can a business behave ethically? This is Business Ethics offers a dynamic and engaging introduction to the study of corporate morality.
_ Offers real-world practical advice for navigating ethical dilemmas in business, developed and explained through illustrative high-profile case studies like the Ford Pinto case, Enron, Walmart and British Petroleum. _ Explores how ethical theory informs business policy and practice. _ Presents unresolved contemporary case studies for consideration, inviting readers to participate in the decision-making and offer their own recommendations. _ The latest in the This is Philosophy series, This is Business Ethics features supplemental online resources for instructors and students at www.thisisphilosophy.com.
TOBEY SCHARDING is Visiting Assistant Professor at Rutgers Business School and Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. She specializes in business ethics and finance ethics, with a focus on issues concerning risk and uncertainty. Her articles have appeared in leading academic journals such as Business Ethics Quarterly, Public Affairs Quarterly, and Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy.
Preface xii
Part I Problems in Business Ethics 1
1 Ethics: Doing the Right Thing 3
Introduction to Ethics 3
What are ethical questions 3
How to answer ethical questions 4
Introductory Case Studies 5
Sam and the substandard notes 5
Casey and the overly-demanding internship 6
Tatiana and the fair distribution of chores 7
Alex and the too-easy-to-cheat course 8
Evaluating the Case Studies 9
Non-ethical guidelines for thinking about the cases 9
Ethical guidelines for thinking about the cases 11
Limitations of ethical evaluation: the problem of controversy 12
Reference 13
2 Business: Maximizing Profit 14
Theory of the Firm 14
Firm organization 15
Why the firm exists at all 16
Problems for firm organization 17
Business Decision-Making: Shareholders and Cost-Benefit Analysis 17
The Dominant Model 19
Shareholder Theory 22
Cost-benefit analysis 25
Business in Society: Consumers, Employees, and Community 27
References and Further Reading 31
3 Classic Business Ethics Dilemmas: When Doing the Right Thing Does Not Maximize Profits 32
Doing Right by Consumers: The Ford Pinto Case 33
Doing Right by Employees: The Walmart Case 38
Doing Right by the Community: The B.P. Case 40
Doing Right by Shareholders: The Enron Case 42
References and Further Reading 46
Case Cited 46
Part II Tools to Solve Business Ethics Dilemmas 47
4 Ethical Theories 49
The Three Major Ethical Theories 51
Utility-based ethics 52
Kant's duty-based ethics 61
Aristotle's virtue-based ethics 67
Other Bases for Ethics 72
Natural law theory 72
Contract theory 73
Ethics of care 74
Feminist ethics 75
References and Further Reading 76
5 Theories of Corporate Personhood 77
Businesses as Ethical Persons 78
Businesses as Bureaucracies 83
Businesses as Collective Persons 87
References and Further Reading 91
6 Theories of Political Economy 92
Private Property 95
The justification of private property 96
Distributive justice 106
The Division of Labor 112
Smith's productivity-based defense of the division 112
Marx's alienation-based criticism of the division 115
References and Further Reading 118
Part III Contemporary Case Studies 119
7 Business Ethics in Employment 121
Employment at Will: The Bechtel Case 121
Bechtel's corporate identity 122
Facts of the case 122
What happened 124
Historical significance 124
Ethical significance: conditions of employment 125
Executive Compensation: The A.I.G. Case 130
A.I.G.'s corporate identity 131
Facts of the case 131
What happened 133
Historical significance 133
Ethical significance: executive compensation 134
Preventing Discrimination and Achieving Diversity: The Google Case 136