Todd A. DeMitchell, John & H. Irene Peters Professor of Education, served as a teacher and administrator in the public schools for 18 years. During his 30 years at the University of New Hampshire he has studied, taught, and consulted on school law and labor relations including the implementation of documentation systems. Mark A Paige, Associate Professor of Public Policy, has numerous positions in education, ranging from the classroom to the courtroom. He began his career in education as an elementary school teacher. He later served as an education law attorney, representing school districts in New England on labor relations, employment law, special education, and other matters. He now teaches school law, school finance, and education policy at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth.
Preface: Who Shall Teach Our Children? Chapter 1: Evaluation and the
Documentation Challenge Chapter 2: The Evaluation of Teachers Chapter 3:
The Principal as Evaluator Chapter 4: Legal Frameworks: Infusing the
Evaluation with Fairness Chapter 5: The Five Fatal "Eyes" of Unprofessional
Conduct Chapter 6: Files, Memos, and Documentation Chapter 7: Conclusion
and the Ten Commandments of Documentation Appendix A - InTASC Model Core
Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers Appendix B -
Personnel Evaluation Standards Appendix C - Examples of Causes and Evidence
for Dismissal/Discipline Appendix D - The Bologna Sandwich Technique
Appendix E - Negligent Hiring: Did We Hire the Wrong Person? Appendix F:
Table of Cases About the Authors