How long have we been waiting for the Kingdom of God! We have had enough of global injustice, wars and greed for power and profit. How we long for love, joy, for all-encompassing peace! Why is it taking so long? The Bible shows us how God intervenes in political events and weaves his history of salvation into them. God's time of grace, the "kairos", breaks through all centuries again and again our "chronos", the worldly course of time: After 70 years of Babylonian captivity, the Persian king Cairo let the Jewish people return to their land. When the time was fulfilled, God sent his Son to us out of love. Christ brought a turning point in time. From 1517 Western Europe was open for the reformation. In 1948 the time was ripe for the state of Israel to rise from the horrors of the Holocaust. The Kingdom of God took shape despite resistance. But it always begins in individual hearts that are open to God's work and can be used.