No one can deny the fact that remote work is the new norm in our modern- society today especially, in this unsolved mysteries of global pandemic . Although it has always been a work arrangement to an extend and many employers have strategically considered it as a " cutting-down-cost tool" for operations so as to maximum profitability. Interestingly, some literatures have argued critically and acclaimed that remote work has many deficiencies and disadvantages in terms of work supervision and performance. This conception was dismantled by the emergence of COVID -19 pandemic which caused a great number of workers to work from home. The experience of remote work is different from remote work during periods of no pandemic such as the one the world is facing now. More importantly, Time is a great resource in achieving targets, hence effective time management in a remote work arrangement is very paramount to achieving the desired goals. This is why Time management and remote work give an in-depth view of how effective time management proofs to be one of the pillars of organizational productivity.