High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Tokyo Crazy Paradise is a sh jo manga series by Yoshiki Nakamura. It takes place in Tokyo, Japan, in the year 2020, revolving around the lives of fourteen year-old Tsukasa Kozuki as she acts as bodyguard for her classmate, Ryuji Shirogami, who is the third generation boss of the yakuza group, Kuryugumi. Though primarily centering around the romance between Tsukasa and Ryuji, it has a strong amount of action and comedy.Tsukasa's parents are killed investigating the murder of Ryuji's father, the leader of the Kuryugumi yakuza group. The deaths leave both Tsukasa and Ryuji orphans, with Ryuji succeeding the group as their third generation boss, the Sandaime. After catching the murderer, Tsukasa becomes indebted to Ryuji when her brothers eat a veritable fortune on his tab; he uses the opportunity to tie her into being his bodyguard until the debt is paid off. Intrigued by her, Ryuji increases her debt at every opportunity (including force-feeding her and causing her to break things), insuring that she will always be tied to him by the debt and thus by his side.