"Tom Tufton's Travels" by Evelyn Everett-Green is a charming adventure novel that follows the journey of the titular character, Tom Tufton, a young boy from England, who embarks on a series of exciting adventures across Europe. The novel begins with Tom's departure from his home in England and his journey to Paris, where he meets a group of traveling actors. He joins their company and soon finds himself performing on stage in various cities across Europe. Along the way, Tom encounters a variety of characters, including a wealthy Englishman, a mysterious young woman, and a group of gypsies. As Tom travels through France, Italy, and Spain, he experiences many adventures, including encounters with highwaymen, kidnappers, and other dangers. Read to know the complete book to experience his adventures! The novel is written in a lively and engaging style that captures the spirit of adventure and discovery. The characters are well-drawn and memorable, and the descriptions of the different locations and settings are vivid and evocative.
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