Both popularity and growth of museums have increased
considerably in recent years and exhibitions remain
one of their most important communication tools.
Particularly in times when galleries and museums
increasingly have to ensure their venues and art
spaces are self-financing, exhibitions that promise
to attract paying audiences are an important factor.
Through touring exhibitions, museums are able to
enhance their profile, increase networking
opportunities and serve the maximum number of
visitors in multiple locations. Implications of
touring exhibitions for institutions of different
sizes and their impact in specifically Austria and
the UK are analyzed.
This book gives an insight into
the motivations and challenges felt by museums and
galleries. The significance of tourists and tourism
for exhibitions is examined. Definition of touring
arts, financial aspects and especially the future
outlook in a changing marketplace can offer useful
assistance for anyone working in museum or gallery
management, bringing them a comprehensive insight.
considerably in recent years and exhibitions remain
one of their most important communication tools.
Particularly in times when galleries and museums
increasingly have to ensure their venues and art
spaces are self-financing, exhibitions that promise
to attract paying audiences are an important factor.
Through touring exhibitions, museums are able to
enhance their profile, increase networking
opportunities and serve the maximum number of
visitors in multiple locations. Implications of
touring exhibitions for institutions of different
sizes and their impact in specifically Austria and
the UK are analyzed.
This book gives an insight into
the motivations and challenges felt by museums and
galleries. The significance of tourists and tourism
for exhibitions is examined. Definition of touring
arts, financial aspects and especially the future
outlook in a changing marketplace can offer useful
assistance for anyone working in museum or gallery
management, bringing them a comprehensive insight.