This work essentially schematizes and presents three digital electronic sensor designs at three different levels of abstractions (straight forward DSP hardware platform system design, block-diagram simulink for digital circuits, hardware description language with testbench for digital circuits), pointing out fundamental technologies and job related activities involved in the necessary portion of industry relevant real development and pre-test work prior to RD aiming at filing patents or mature component based multi-designer hardware projects. The target audience of this written work is basically of a possible academician or scientific-technical type essentially interested in mass market oriented integrated circuits for automotive safety electronics. Anyway, the purpose of this book is a proposal of practicable sensor oriented technologies supporting complementary solid, thouroughly tested automation like home-automation/domotics (not only the high quality renowned PLC expertise based, but also elegantly simpler electrical machinery or bare stand-alone data acquisition equipment for visualization). Automotive challenges (RD) have reached very ambitious goals.