"This book from Springer leaves a thoroughly good first impression. Opening the hardcover the reader immediately finds clearly structured contents, lists of units and symbols, a periodic table of the elements and a glossary with abbreviations and acronyms. ... All figures and tables are perceptible of reasonable size and supplied with informative captions. ... Trace elements from soil to Human can be recommended to students, researchers, and professionals as a valuable source of information on trace element in the environment." (Alexander Plessow, Environmental Geology, Vol. 53, 2008)
"This is a ... well known book of Professor Kabata-Pendias devoted to trace elements in our environment. The topic is timely very important and the quality of the presentation ... is excellent. This book will be, without any doubt, also very frequently cited in papers ... . a scientifically valuable position presented in an attractive and careful publishing form. I am sure that the actual book ,Trace Elements from Soil to Human' will find even more readers than the previous books ... ." (Adam Hulanicki, Chemia Analityczna, Vol. 52, 2007)