2018 was a tumultuous year in global politics. Starting with the rise of the Lega Nord in Italy and ending with the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, it has never been such a pertinent time to study the radical right. This yearbook pulls together the best commentary and analysis from an international consortium of expert scholars examining the ebb and flow of radical right movements from around the world. Starting with a concise analysis of key definitions of the radical right and historical precursors, it takes the reader on a journey through European, then American, and finally through non-Western manifestations of the radical right. The book ends with a thematic analysis of key tactics and issues related to the radical right-including social media, hate crime, and terrorism. This unique survey provides an unparalleled snapshot of global developments in 2018-useful to scholars, students, practitioners, and interested members of the public alike.
"[The book] does offer a unique value to the researcher, the policy maker, and the casual observer of recent events-really, for anyone with an inkling of interest in this topic. But instead of a massive study laden with data, charts, graphs and analysis, the volume contains a wealth of relatively brief observations from around the world that collectively provide a robust, and rather disturbing, portrait of the radical right worldwide." -PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISM, Volume 13, issue 4