Thisvolume is the eleventh in the series Jerusalem Talmud, the first in a three volume edition, translation, and commentary of the Fourth Order Neziqin.
The thirty chapters of Neziqin that deal with aspects of Civil Law are usually divided into three "gates", known as the First Gate, Bava qamma, the Middle Gate, Bava mesi'a, and the Last Gate, Bava batra. In contrast to the Babylonian Talmud, the treatment in the Jerusalem Talmud is fragmentary.
The thirty chapters of Neziqin that deal with aspects of Civil Law are usually divided into three "gates", known as the First Gate, Bava qamma, the Middle Gate, Bava mesi'a, and the Last Gate, Bava batra. In contrast to the Babylonian Talmud, the treatment in the Jerusalem Talmud is fragmentary.