Rosalind Field Thomas and the earl: literary and historical contexts for the Romance of Horn
`Herkeneth aright': reading Gamelyn for text not context
Stephen Knight The Wardship Romance: a new methodology
Middle English romance and the Gesta Romanorum
Diane Speed Sir Amadance and the undisenchanted bride: the relation of the Middle English romance to the folk tradition of `The Grateful Dead'Dead'
Elizabeth Williams The Sege of Melayne: a fifteenth
century reading
Phillipa Hardman Identity, narrative and participation: defining a context for the middle English Charlemagne romances
Robert Warm Caxton's concept of `Historical Romance' within the context of the crusades: conviction rhetoric and sales strategy
Joerg O Fichte Chaucerian Minstrelsy: Sir Thopas, Troilus and Criseyde and English metrical romance
Nancy Mason Bradbury `Redinge of Romance' in Gower's Confessio Amantis
Jeremy Dimmick The Ide and Olive episode in Lord Berners's Huon of Burdeux
Elizabeth Archibald The strange history of Valentine and Orson
Helen Cooper