The use of traditional healers is common worldwide. Few Authors, though, have focused on the use of traditional healers by people with mental disorders. This Book made an attempt to understand the practice of traditional healers in relation to mental health and psychiatric services. The book was framed to understand: (a) the socio-demographic characteristics of people with mental disorders who seek treatment in the traditional healer centres; (b) the clinical presentations, diagnoses and outcomes of people with psychotic disorders attending traditional healers, as well as the healing methods and interventions used; (c) the traditional healers' belief, attitudes and practice in relation to people with mental disorders. It is vital to establish channels of collaboration between traditional healers and mental health professionals in, where a majority of people with mental illness consult traditional healers first. Collaboration could help in the early detection and early management of mental disorders, with the prospect of better outcomes. The traditional healer centres can be used as bases for community rehabilitation facilities for patients with mental disorders.