Dieser Band dokumentiert eine Reihe von ausgewählten Beiträgen der XXII. Internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenz Bildungsreform und Lehrerausbildung zum Thema »Transkulturelle Perspektiven in der Bildung«, die vom Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft der Republik Litauen und der Vilnenser Akademie für Bildungswissenschaften der Vytautas Magnus Universität in Kaunas (VDU) gemeinsam konzipiert und veranstaltet wurden. Im Fokus standen der Diskurs kulturwissenschaftlicher Bildungsforschung und der Austausch von Beispielen transkultureller pädagogischer Praxis in der Hochschul- und Schulbildung. Der Erwerb dieser interaktiven Kompetenzen in der kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschung ist Voraussetzung für die Bildung einer Identität, die den Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft im kommenden Jahrzehnt gerecht wird.
This volume presents a series of selected contributions from the XXIInd International Scientific Conference on The Reform of Education and Teacher's Training dealing with the topic »Transcultural Perspectives in Education«, which was conceived and organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania together with the Vilnius Academy of Educational Science at Vytautas-Magnus-University in Kaunas (VDU). The focus of attention was the discourse on research in cultural studies and the exchange of examples of transcultural pedagogical practice in Higher and Secondary Education. The acquisition of interactive competencies in cultural research is a prerequisite for the formation of identity in order to meet the challenges our society will be facing in the coming decade.
This volume presents a series of selected contributions from the XXIInd International Scientific Conference on The Reform of Education and Teacher's Training dealing with the topic »Transcultural Perspectives in Education«, which was conceived and organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania together with the Vilnius Academy of Educational Science at Vytautas-Magnus-University in Kaunas (VDU). The focus of attention was the discourse on research in cultural studies and the exchange of examples of transcultural pedagogical practice in Higher and Secondary Education. The acquisition of interactive competencies in cultural research is a prerequisite for the formation of identity in order to meet the challenges our society will be facing in the coming decade.