The consumption pattern, family buying behavior and buying habits of tribals being imperative for the study of consumer behavior have been identified and studied with Srikakulam perspective. Research on the tribals and their regular experiences of consumption, purchase behavior at shandies and family decisions for certain products has been established with dexterous methods and materials. Having the analysis been interpreted with critical thinking, the conclusions backed by managerial implications are established for the purpose of stakeholders' benefits.
The consumption pattern, family buying behavior and buying habits of tribals being imperative for the study of consumer behavior have been identified and studied with Srikakulam perspective. Research on the tribals and their regular experiences of consumption, purchase behavior at shandies and family decisions for certain products has been established with dexterous methods and materials. Having the analysis been interpreted with critical thinking, the conclusions backed by managerial implications are established for the purpose of stakeholders' benefits.
The consumption pattern, family buying behavior and buying habits of tribals being imperative for the study of consumer behavior have been identified and studied with Srikakulam perspective. Research on the tribals and their regular experiences of consumption, purchase behavior at shandies and family decisions for certain products has been established with dexterous methods and materials. Having the analysis been interpreted with critical thinking, the conclusions backed by managerial implications are established for the purpose of stakeholders' benefits.