The face of consumer marketing has changed. However, most contemporary approaches to marketing still fall far short of delivering on the full potential of social and other media for brand development.
In contrast, tribal branding integrates offline and online approaches to brand development, allowing marketers to benefit from greatly enhanced levels of consumer devotion to brands. Featuring insightful examples and case studies, 'Tribal Marketing, Tribal Branding' incorporates the approach of ethno-marketing to expertly explain the opportunities for marketing and branding professionals to co-create brands with, and develop new ways of marketing to, tribal groups and brand communities.
In contrast, tribal branding integrates offline and online approaches to brand development, allowing marketers to benefit from greatly enhanced levels of consumer devotion to brands. Featuring insightful examples and case studies, 'Tribal Marketing, Tribal Branding' incorporates the approach of ethno-marketing to expertly explain the opportunities for marketing and branding professionals to co-create brands with, and develop new ways of marketing to, tribal groups and brand communities.