This glossary is an up-to-date research tool for the study of population in English, Japanese and German. Based on the technical literature, encyclopedias, databases and existing glossaries in the three languages listed as well as other relevant languages in which demographic research is carried out, it comprises more than 7500 technical terms accessible in three directions: English-Japanese-German, Japanese-English-German and German-Japanese-English.
Scientific fields covered include social demography, population geography, political demography, economic demography, historical demography, medical demography, biodemography, mathematical demography, as well as some adjacent fields such as psychology, law, technology, religion, linguistics and education.
Scientific fields covered include social demography, population geography, political demography, economic demography, historical demography, medical demography, biodemography, mathematical demography, as well as some adjacent fields such as psychology, law, technology, religion, linguistics and education.
"...the glossary is an important research tool through the translations of such a rich array of terms into three languages. Persons working in the field of demography will come to appreciate the variety of concepts that can be associated with their discipline, while persons from other disciplines will have an easy reference to the accepted terms used in population studies."
Canadian Studies in Population , Vol. 37.3-4, Fall/Winter, pp. 611-612
Canadian Studies in Population , Vol. 37.3-4, Fall/Winter, pp. 611-612