Carefully written, this book is essential for any general practitioner or internist or emergency physician in their daily work. For almost thirty years, tropical medicine has developed a new field of application: travel medicine. The doctor is now frequently consulted by travelers with health problems on their return from a tropical stay or for advice and recommendations before leaving for a country "at risk" (recommended or compulsory vaccinations, chemoprophylaxis, dietary advice). The content of this book has been updated with the latest recommendations. It includes 100 MCQs, essential for self-assessment and essential for the success of the competition. It is structured as follows: - Travel advice: all the measures to take before undertaking a stay in a so-called "tropical" zone; - Pathology of the return: orientation by signs and symptoms: an aid to the diagnosis according to the disorders evoked and the results of analysis; - Disease sheets: synthetic descriptions of the main infectious diseases encountered in the tropics; - Migrant medicine: real practical tools.