Unregulated digital distractions fuel up truancy, leading to severe academic and mental health consequences, emphasizing the need for holistic solutions integrating parental monitoring, school-based interventions, and digital literacy education. This book had discussed different topics - The impact of social media on truancy rates among teenagers, Cyber Addiction and Truancy: Understanding the Link Between Screen time and School Absence, Effect of Mobile Phone use on Truancy and Academic Performance among Secondary School Students, The role of Online Gaming in Truancy among Children, How Digital Distractions affect Student's Engagement and Attendance, The Effects of Excessive Screen Time on Mental Health and Truancy, Truancy in the Digital Age: Understanding the Motivations behind Technology-Driven Absenteeism, Designing Tech-Based Solutions to Combat Truancy, Parental Involvement in Monitoring Children's Technology Use: Impact on Truancy and Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Social Isolation, and Truancy among Adolescents.