When an evaluation is made from the past to the present, the Turkish image is built, negatively. Since the first establishment of the Turkish states, all kinds of "wars, defeats, win"... etc. are affected Turkish image and they all appears to have traces for the reconstruction effect in the formation of the Turkish image and in every period. Positive or negative thought structures in the societies that have constructed about the cultural values, religious differences, traditions and lifestyles of Turkish people have a profound effect in the formation of Turkish Image in all over the world. In addition, the negative images about Turks have been transferred from the past to the present. At the beginning of the reasons, many states have changed their thoughts about the Turks and their way of life and traditions, instead of trying to recognize them, without questioning the ossified expressions that have been going on for centuries. When The Turkish image constructed through various forms of expression in countries like Austria, Germany, Spain, England, Italy are examined generally in many areas, it is often witnessed that Turks are excluded and marginalized.